Collect payments for your legal services

Try our card payment page half price for 3 months with no setup fee to see how it can make your payment collection process faster and more efficient.

We help legal firms like you collect payments from your clients with an secure and intuitive card payment solution.

Your clients can self-serve 24/7 and pay for their legal services efficiently and with minimal fuss.

A solution tailored to your needs can collect relevant information about the transaction and integrate with your preferred payment provider to collect those payments.

I'm interested, tell me more
Bright HR
HR Inform
The London Clinic

Card Payment Page Features

24/7 Payments

An online card payment solution allows your customers to self-serve any time day or night, so they are no longer restricted to 9-5 to call.

Telephone Payments

Take card payments over the telephone by utilising our easy to use card payment page which is accessible via your own, secure login.

Your Own Branding

Your online card payment solution is branded as you, and can be integrated directly into your website, thus providing a seamless experience.

Customised capture forms

Your payment page can be set up to collect any relevant information to identify a transaction, such as a client reference or invoice number.

Daily Transaction Reports

You will receive a daily transaction report from the previous day, allowing you to use this information to reconcile with your ledger.

Card Payment Integration

Your payment page can be integrated with your chosen payment provider, and any payments collected go directly into your bank account.

How we get you up and running

1. Setup Requirements

Firstly we'll establish what data you want to capture on your capture form and which payment gateway you wish to use.

2. Integration & Launch

We'll set up your page and integrate with your website and payment provider ready to launch to your customers.

3. Monitoring & Ongoing Support

We'll continue to monitor and support your payment page and install vital security updates in order to maintain a robust solution.

Our Pricing

Setup & Development

A small, one-off fixed cost will cover the initial setup of your branded payment page.

£295 setup
£0 setup

Support & Hosting

A monthly cost to cover the hosting, maintenance, monitoring and support for your payment page.

£39 per month
£19pm for 3 months

Transaction Fees

A fixed fee per transaction is applied to completed transactions, regardless of value.

20p per transaction
10p for 3 months

Get in touch to find out more about how we can help Contact Us